by Ana Pereira de Vlieg
(on exhibit until the 1 September at artSPACE gallery )

Whilst photographing, documenting , researching, observing, sketching and finally painting the magnificent cloud formations in and out of Africa, the other subject that caught my eye s lens was reflections.

Many artists over history, from Turner to contemporary artists, have tried to capture the fluffy, tangible yet intangible substance of clouds.
What I found whilst gazing up , was the inevitable effect the light of the skies had on the earth, particularly over water.

For just a moment this body of work investigated the reflections upon the sea shores of Durban, Kwazulu Natal.

A Race to the Rocks

A warm moment

As the day begins…

People on the beach

Reflecting on Reflections

Walking in Water

And whist observing,  I found a hypnotic beauty , reflecting upon those reflections…